
Primary Teacher Recruitment 2025

Primary Teacher Recruitment 2025

Yes, hello friends, in today’s article we will talk about Sarva Shiksha Primary Teacher Recruitment 2025, here friends, in the context of the appointment of primary teachers, which was proposed in the budget, in the context of appointment to posts of primary teaching staff  Here the notification has been released, the  government is going to appoint 27850 primary teachers and this vacancy will be completed by the SSA department under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan  and this vacancy is for all over India female and male candidates  Both can apply for this. Keep in mind that the recruitment process for this vacancy will be completed very soon because the deadline has been clearly mentioned here. I will also share the notification with you. Before that, you all can see the notification that has come.  you might have read it, I have made a correction in it again, so I will tell you about that as well, we will talk about it in detail, in short, I will tell you that this vacancy has come out for 27850 posts and this You can see the vacancies here according to the level,

I will also talk to you about the salary as per the L06, two types of vacancies are included in it, keep in mind friends, two types of vacancies have been included in it this time  The first is primary teacher which comes in grade third here and the vacancy of fourth grade is that of Peon and Helper i.e. whatever vacancy there is of Peon and Helper grade fourth, it has also been included in it and by doing this here  The total number of vacancies is 27,850 posts. These are the vacancies for primary teaching and along with this the vacancies for peon and helper have also been mixed. Let me clarify one more thing here, here in this there are vacancies from first to fifth class.

You must have seen in villages, towns, rural areas, there are primary schools for teaching the children, the staff there is appointed by the SSA, so this time it has been two-three years, last time this was done  It was probably released 3 years back, it has been released again now and this time the vacancy is the maximum, that is you can count bumper vacancies this time because this has been released for the first time, around 27000-28000 vacancies, apart from this one more thing  I want to make it clear to you friends, then to get minute to minute news of this vacancy, I will also tell you how to apply for this vacancy. The date of this notification is given here.  Clear the non-refundable starting date for payment of fee online. Here it is clearly mentioned as 10/01/2025, which you should correct, that is, its applications are going to start from the 10th.

Keep in mind that this vacancy will be of 10/01/2025.  This is the vacancy of primary teacher in primary teaching staff under SSA i.e. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and here the qualification i.e. education is as per pay grade third and fourth Criteria has been kept, if I talk about grade third i.e. primary teaching staff, then here it is mandatory for you to have 12th class pass plus graduation, while if we talk about grade fourth, here if you have passed 12th class, then you can get grade fourth.

If you are eligible, you can apply. There is a small correction in this, if you are in your final year or you have not passed 12th class, your result has not come, it is going to come in a month or two, then also you can apply.  Because here in this notification the date is written in March 2025 or April 2025, by doing something like this your result should come by then, if you are in your final year, then also you can apply at least once because in the notification The date is mentioned on the result mark sheet whichever you have should be there. Apart from that, the details of the individual are mentioned in it. As I have told you earlier, the recruitment process for this vacancy is completed within 3 to 4 months.  -Get it completed inside  It will be a single paper, keep in mind that its syllabus scheme will be there, I will make a separate article about that, you can check it there, till 1/7/2024, when your age is between 18 to 40 years, then you can apply for SSA Go here and here are its details, whatever doubts you have in your mind, please comment in the comment box below and along with that I will keep updating its brief details here, whatever upcoming notification notice is ther

Apply Here: Sarva Shiksha Primary Teacher Recruitment 2025

Charan  के बारे में
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